Kino Resources Section Page
Over 350 Kino Books In Five Languages
Resource Section Page Links
Website Page Links



Note: Many of the external links to other websites do work that are set out in this particular page saved by the Wayback Machine. This note modifies the information set out immediately about the links not working.

Previous KHS Website Above
Wayback Machine External Link
Use Link To Previous Page While Website Is Being Rebuilt

The website is in the process of being rebuilt. By clicking on the link above, you will view a copy of this page from the previous KHS website that is preserved by the Wayback Machine operated by The Internet Archive.

The copy of this page on the Wayback Machine will consist of the text. Most of the time the original images of the previous page will not be saved but sometimes they are displayed. The text captions to the images are saved. Most of the time the links to other pages and downloadable articles will not work but occasionally the links will work. It is worth a try. The website navigation links do not work.

The website will be rebuilt with new pages. For now the links to previous pages will give the reader information about Eusebio Francisco Kino. All the saved pages and images of the previous KHS website can be accessed at the Internet Archive at*/*

One page that is very helpful is the saved website index pages for March 21, 2023. The link to the index page is at  The blue colored links under the Alphabetical Order Index on the page do work. Links will work with the first click but the page will crash after more, so just access again and pick the desired page. The Kino website disappeared from its Bluehost server in early October 2023 so save pages after that date are of no use. There will be work in progress below this notice as new pages are in the process of construction. The links to all the pages will not work until most of the new website is completed.

Thank you kind reader. ¡Viva Padre Kino!
