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Kino Time Line
Kino Historical Society

Chronology of the Life and Legacy of
Padre Eusebio Francisco Kino, S.J.
1645 - 2011
With page links to the Kino website

Also with list of Civil and Ecclesiastical Officials of Kino's New Spain
Updated: June 30, 2019

For Kino's Life and Legacy Summary with webpage links
Click Home and Kino Life and Kino Heritage.

Kino Timeline

10 Aug. 1645
Jesuit missionary Padre Eusebio Francisco Kino. S.J. (1645 - 1711), the only son of Francesco and Margherita Chini, is baptized Eusebio Chini, in the village of Segno. Segno is located in the foothills of the southern Alps and 15 miles north of the historic city of Trent in present day Italy. 
Click Europe's Son

24 Oct. 1648
The Thirty Years War in Europe ends.

Due to shortage of missionaries in New World, King of Spain replaces absolute ban on non-Spanish missionaries with quota system. 

20 Nov. 1665
Joins the Jesuit order as a novice and for the next 12 years prepares for the priesthood. Kino studies and teaches mathematics, astronomy and other natural sciences at the universities of Landsberg, Freiburg, Ingolstadt and Hall am Inn in present day Germany and Austria.
Click Europe's Son 

Before joining the Jesuits, Kino suffers from an illness that brings him close to death. He vows he will become a missionary if his patron saint, Francis Xavier, intercedes by sparing his life. St. Francis Xavier (1506–1552) was a co-founder of the Jesuits and was its pioneering missionary to Asia. He ministered for 10 years in India and then worked in the East Indies and Japan and died as he was traveling to China. He was canonized as a saint in 1622.
Click Jesuit Father

11 Jun. 1677
Ordained a Roman Catholic priest in Ottingen (Altottingen) in present day Germany. Kino continues his pastoral ministry and teaching.

May 1678 to Jan. 1681
After 8 years of petitioning his Jesuit superiors, Kino is granted permission to become a missionary. Kino sails to Southern Spain with 18 other Jesuit missionaries. Waits two years for passage across the Atlantic to Mexico. In Seville and Cádiz Kino works as a parish priest and teaches mathematics and natural sciences at nearby universities. Further supports himself by making astronomical and nautical instruments.
Click Europe's Son
Click Explorer and National Parks and Protected Areas

10 Aug. 1680
Beginning of the Pueblo Revolt. Allied Native peoples expel Spanish settlers from their 80 year old colony in New Mexico. Colony reestablished 14 years later by military force.

Jun. 1681
Arrives in Mexico City and writes one of the first astronomical treatises published in the New World on a large comet visible worldwide. Kino precisely maps the 7 month course of the comet. In treatise Kino dedicates the remainder of this life as a missionary to Our Lady of Guadalupe. 
Click Scientist and Missionary and Sor Juana

15 Oct. 1681
Leaves Mexico City to begin missionary work in Baja California. For his last 30 years, Kino will work on the Spanish colonial frontier and beyond.
Click Calfornia Pioneer

28 Oct. 1682
Appointed royal cartographer, surveyor and missionary to the Atondo Expedition - a venture by the Spanish King to colonize Baja California. Last major settlement efforts were privately funded by conquistadors Herán Cortez and Francisco Coronado in mid 1500s.
Click Cartography

5 Nov. 1683
In Guadalajara, Kino is appointed curate and "juez eclesiástico vicario" of California.

25 Mar. 1682
Kino travels to Pueblo de Nío on the Sinaloa River where ships for Atondo Expedition are being built and then returns to Guadalajara.

3 Jun. 1682
In Rosario, Sinaloa, Kino writes letter to the Duchess of Aveiro about future Atondo Expedition.

28 Oct. 1682
The building of the ships completed, Kino sails south from Pueblo de Nío to Chacala arriving on November 3rd to take on provisions and all the expedition's personnel.

10 Dec. 1682
Kino leaves Guadalajara with settlement of dispute between diocese of Guadalajara and diocese of Durango over jurisdiction over the Californias.

17 Jan. 1983
Atondo Expedition sets sail for California from Chacala and voyages up the Nayarit and Sinaloa coast.

18 Mar. 1983
Atondo Expedition begins its voyage from Mazatlán across the Gulf of California.

4 Apr. 1683
Atondo Expedition establishes a settlement on the coast of La Paz Bay but abandons it after three months and sails back to the Mexican mainland on July 14th to San Lucas, Sinaloa - today's Agiabampo.

29 Sep. 1683
After Kino procures supplies from Jesuit missions in Sinaloa, Atondo Expedition sets sail from San Lucas to return to California. 

6 Oct. 1683
Atondo Expedition lands in Baja California and establishes a settlement at San Bruno on Gulf coast (near present day Loreto) where Kino ministers to Native people, builds his second mission in honor of Our Lady of Guadalupe and explores the Gulf coast, the Sierra Gigante and beyond to the plains of San Xavier near today's Comondú.
Click California Pioneer

15 Aug. 1684
Takes final Jesuit vow at San Bruno at age 39.
Click Jesuit Father

Dec. 1684
Makes overland crossing of Baja California to Pacific Ocean with members of the Atondo Expedition - first Europeans to make overland journey. Kino sees blue abalone shells along the Pacific coast on January 1, 1685.
Click Explore Baja & Gulf

8 May 1685
Atondo Expedition stricken by scurvy and lack of supplies abandons Baja California and sails back to Mexico mainland. 

Jun. to Sep. 1685
Kino and Captain Guzman sail northward in Gulf of California exploring for new mission sites along the Baja coast. Their ship is anchored for six weeks near Tiburon Island waiting for favorable winds to continue sailing. During the six weeks Kino visits and ministers to the Seri people. Then sails down Baja coast to San Bruno and Cape of San Lucas.

Sep. 1685 to Oct. 1686
After arriving in Matanchel on September 17, 1685, Kino returns to Guadalajara and Mexico City and advocates for new expedition to Baja California to continue his missionary activities. Spanish officials in Mexico City support Kino's plan.

29 Nov. 1686
Two weeks after arriving in Matanchel, the Atondo Expedition return to California is indefinitely postponed. Kino sailing with Atondo escorts a Manila Galleon ship to Acapulco to protect it from nearby Pichilingue pirates. Kino travels overland from Acapulco and arrives in Mexico City in mid-January.

Jan. to Apr. 1686
Kino in Mexico City lobbies again for return to California and receives approval except that In April Kino learns that money is diverted in Mexico to be sent to Spain to pay for accidental sinking of French ship and the suppression of a revolt in the Tarahumara country. 

16 Dec. 1986
Kino assigned as missionary to Seri people. Appears before the high court of Royal Audiencia in Guadalajara requesting that judges suspend for 5 years the system of repartimiento where Native people are forced to work in Spanish silver mines and ranches. Learns during the hearing that the judges recently received a decree from the Spanish King suspending the system of repartimiento for 20 years. 

13 Mar. 1687
Reassigned as missionary to the Pima people and establishes his mission headquarters at Dolores. Next day from Dolores Kino begins his regular 70 mile circuit to villages at San Ignacio, Imuris, Remedios. Later in the month Kino travels with 100 Pimas to Tuape to celebrate Easter with Spanish settlers.

Kino introduces horses, cattle and other herd animals and winter wheat and other European cultivars to the Native people that he encounters during his 24 years in the Pimería Alta (present day Northern Sonora and Southern Arizona.) The Jesuit missionary effort in Sonora and Arizona is one of its most successful in the New World despite its close proximity to Spanish settlements and mines in northeastern Sonora.
Click Horseman and Agriculturalist and Kino Wheat

2 May 1687
Travels over 40 miles from Dolores with Pima leaders to the Spanish mining center of Bacanuche to have government officials formally acknowledged to settlers the enforcement of the Spanish King's order prohibiting the system of repartimiento.

5 Jul. 1687
Isaac Newton's Principia ("Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica") about the scientific laws of universal gravitation and motion is published in London. Newton's work was based on his observations of the 1680-1681 comet that Kino also observed and wrote about in his astronomical treatise.

25 Jul. 1688
At Native village of Mototicachi, 100 miles northeast of Dolores, a Spanish officer orders the killing of all the 50 adult males and imprisons all women and children of the village as slaves. Officer acts on unjustified rumors that village leaders were part of a conspiracy by the Native peoples throughout Northern Mexico to revolt against the Spanish. The officer is sentenced to death but escapes. Although outside his area of responsibility, Kino seeks justice for the wronged Native people of Mototicachi. In 1698, Kino after his 53 day 1,500 mile ride to Mexico City will obtain an order from the Viceroy releasing the surviving people of Mototicachi from slavery and restoring them to their lands. 

2 Apr. 1690 
Jesuit missionaries are expelled from their missions in the Sierra Madre mountains during the 2 year Tarahumara Revolt. Two missionaries are killed. The revolt occurs 150 miles southeast of the Dolores.

Draws his map "Teatro de los Trabajos."
Click Cartographer

Jan. 1691
First Northern Expedition. Kino on his first major exploration of the Pimería Alta visits present day Arizona. After an invitation by Sobaípuris (Santa Cruz and San Pedro River Pimas), Kino and Father Salvatierra travel to the village of Tumacácori near present day Tumacácori National Historic Park. Kino names the village and future mission after the church reformer and patron of wheat San Cajetano (St. Cajetan). Kino is invited by leaders of Bac to visit their village south of Tucson but must return to his mission headquarters. Kino convinces Salvatierra of necessity of reactivating missions in Baja California. Salvatierra joins Kino in lobbying campaign for Jesuit return to Baja.
Click Tumacacori and San Cayetano de Tumacacori and California Builder

18 Jul. 1691
The Flying Company ("Compañía Volante") established with 30 soldiers as a roving Spanish military unit instead of a unit stationed at a presidio. The Flying Company responds to increasing attacks on the Spanish settlers of Sonora by the Apaches and their Native allies (Suma, Jocome and Janos tribes).

8 Jun. 1692
Due to sever drought and failed crops throughout New Spain, the starving poor riot and set fire to governmental buildings in the Mexico City capitol after officials refuse to meet with them or provide food relief.

23 Aug. 1692
Second Northern Exploration. Visits village of Bac and names the Bac visita (mission station) after his patron saint, Francis Xavier. Travels several miles up Santa Cruz River to O'odham village near downtown Tucson and names vista San Cosme y Damian de Tucson. Kino returns to Dolores by traveling across the desert to present day Benson and continuing south up the San Pedro River. The Northern Explorations along the Santa Cruz and San Pedro Rivers to their junctions with the Gila River occur from 1694 to 1699.
Click Mission San Xavier del Bac and Explore Sonora & Arizona 

26 Apr. 1693
Native and Spanish people living throughout present day northern Sonora and southern Arizona travel to Dolores to celebrate the consecration of Kino's mission church.

11 Dec. 1693
First Altar Desert Exploration. Travels to the eastern coast of the Gulf of California and climbs Nazareno Peak and sees mountains in Baja California across the Gulf waters. Establishes a mission station at Caborca.
Click Explore Sonora & Arizona 

23 Feb. 1694
Second Altar Desert Exploration. Travels with Lieutenant Juan Mateo Manje and begins construction of a ship in the desert near Caborca to supply the yet to be restarted missions in Baja California. Kino brings about a peace settlement between two Western Pima leaders. Two other 1694 explorations are made with Manje into the Altar Desert.

21 Oct. 1694
Jesuit Father Francisco Javier Saeta arrives in Caborca as its first resident missionary priest.

Nov. 1694
Second Northern Exploration. Explores Santa Cruz River north of Bac to its junction with the Gila River. Kino is the first European to visit villages in the Tucson Valley and to see the Casa Grande at Casa Grande Ruins National Monument.

29 Mar. 1695
In response to the continued abuse by the Opata herdsman and executions by Spanish soldiers a year earlier, the villagers at the Tubutama mission kill the herdsman and two other Opata beginning the 5 month Tubutama Uprising by the Soba O'odham in the Altar Valley.
Click Ride for Justice and Peace and Mexico Journey

2 Apr. 1695
Father Saeta martyred in his mission church at Caborca on Easter morning during the early hours of the Tubutama Uprising. Kino tries to reestablish peace between Spanish and Western Pimas.

9 Jun. 1695
Calls peace conference at El Tupo. Spanish military betrays Pimas and kills 30 unarmed and innocent Pimas who are unable to escape. Uprising continues and nearby missions are destroyed by Western Pimas. Kino and his mission headquarters at Dolores are spared.

30 Aug. 1695
After a month of restoring peace, the final conference at El Tupo is held and peace settlement is made between the Pimas and Spanish. Peace lasts for the next 55 years until the start in Tubutama of the Pima Uprising of 1751.

16 Nov. 1695 to 8 Jan. 1696
Travels 1,500 miles in 53 days to Mexico City on the El Camino Real de la Costa to quash false rumors about the Tubutama Uprising and defend the O'odham people. Before his Jesuit superiors argues against being withdrawn as a missionary and reassigned as a university professor. Before the highest Spanish governmental officials in Mexico, Kino petitions to restart missionary efforts in Baja California and to restore lands to Native People of Mototicachi. During the 2 months before his trip, Kino writes biography of Father Saeta. In biography is a description of Kino's missionary methods that are precursors to today's methods. Also draws maps Teatro and Saeta Maps that accompanies biography. Kino says three Masses in Guadalajara on Christmas Day on his way to Mexico City
Click Ride for Justice and Peace and Mexico Journey and California Builder

2 Feb. 1696
Kino leaves Mexico City to return to the Pimería Alta. On March 25th, Kino is in Conicari on the Yaqui River on Easter Sunday. Kino travels with the knowledge that he may be withdrawn from the mission field and reassigned as university professor. In May Kino narrowly escapes death when he takes side trip to Baserac to meet his Jesuit superiors after leaving his military escort who are all killed the next day in a Jocome attack. After arriving in Dolores, Native leaders living throughout the Pimería Alta travel to meet with Kino. Chieftains travel as far as today's from Arizona and the cities of Casa Grande, Tucson and Sierra Vista.

Jun. 1696
Father Tirso Gonzalez, Father General of the Jesuits, writes from Rome to the Jesuit Provincial of New Spain: Kino is not to be withdrawn from the missions; and Kino may be reassigned to Baja to revive the missions there. The Father General concludes his letter "I am convinced that Kino is a chosen instrument of Our Lord for His cause in those missions."
Click Ride for Justice and Peace and Missionary

Jul. 1697
Kino's new assignment to restart missions in Baja California withdrawn by the Jesuit provincial after Spanish civilian and military officials petition Kino's superiors to have him remain in Pimería Alta to maintain peace. 

6 Oct. 1697
Meets with Native leaders throughout the Pimería Alta at Dolores and travels with them more than 100 miles to Baserac to request more missionaries from Kino's Jesuit superior. 
Click Ride for Justice and Peace and Mexico Journey

10 Oct. 1697
Father Salvatierra revives Kino's Baja California missionary efforts at Loreto near site of San Bruno without assistance from Spanish King. Jesuits are granted secular governmental authority similar to Jesuit mission in Paraguay. Contributions of cattle and wheat by Kino's missions in Sonora and funds by donors to the Pious Fund maintain Salvatierra. 

Nov. to Dec. 1697
Third Northern Exploration. Explores all of the San Pedro River to its junction with Gila near present day Winkelman and follows Gila to Casa Grande Ruins. Returns by Santa Cruz River. Kino brings about peace settlement between two Sobaípuri leaders near Arivaipa. 

25 Feb. 1698
Apaches and their allies attack and destroy the mission at Cocóspera. 

30 Mar. 1698
Sobaípuris led by Chief Coro defeat Apaches and their allies who attack village near Quíburi and present day ghost town of Fairbank. Kino continues to make series of visits to Sobaípuri villages in the upper San Pedro and Santa Cruz river valleys.

22 Sep. 1698
Fourth Northern Exploration. Travels to Gila River near Casa Grande and treks southwest over the desert lands of the O'odham (Desert Pima) to the Pinacate volcanic field immediately north of present day Puerto Penasco. From Pinacate Peak Kino believes he sees the head of the Gulf of California.
Click Explore Pinacate and Gran Desierto

7 Feb. 1699
First Colorado River Exploration. Travels the desolate Camino del Diablo ("Devil's Highway”) and ends the exploration just short of the Gila River's junction with the Colorado River. Manje sees the junction from a mountain peak. Returns by visiting villages on the Gila River and Santa Cruz Rivers. Kino's Colorado River Explorations occur from 1699 to 1701.
Click Explore Colorado River and Delta

20 Mar. 1700
Receives a gift of a wooden cross strung with 20 blue abalone shells delivered at Remedios from the Cocomaricopas living on the Gila River just east of its junction with the Colorado River. 

Apr. to May 1700
Halts planned trip to Colorado River at Bac. Begins construction of the first church of Mission San Xavier del Bac. Calls "Blue Shell Conference” and the Native leaders living throughout Pimería Alta meet at Bac and confirm that a land passage to California is possible based on the overland trade of blue abalone shells.
Click San Xavier del Bac and Tumacacori
On return trip Kino rides 75 miles in less than 24 hours to San Ignacio to save Native man from execution. Back at Dolores, Kino splits herd and sends 700 head of cattle to Bac. His Jesuit superiors grant Kino permission to move his mission headquarters from Dolores to Bac but his replacement at Dolores never arrives.
Click Tumacacori

Jun. 1700
Kino escorts his O'odham vaqueros to Tuape for cattle drive of 200 head from Mission Dolores along with pack loads of wheat flour to the port of Yaqui via Mátape and Tecoripa to supply Salvatierra in Baja.

Sep. 1700
Second Colorado River Exploration. Travels via Camino del Diablo and meets Native peoples living on the Lower Colorado River near present day Yuma. From a mountain peak looks south and sees the Colorado Delta and the head of the Gulf of California. Fifteen Hundred native people from different tribes travel to Yuma to meet Kino. Kino hurries back to Dolores to roundup cattle to supply Salvatierra in Baja. 

Nov. 1700
Kino collects cattle at Mátape from his missions and other missions for cattle drive to port of Yaqui to supply Salvatierra in Baja.
Click California Builder

War of Spanish Succession begins in Europe. Spanish King diverts funds for additional missionaries to pay for war against powers who oppose the unification of France and Spain under the Bourbon kings.

Feb. 1701
Third Colorado River Exploration. Unsuccessful attempt to reach Colorado River delta by traveling 20 days in today's El Pinacate y Gran Desierto de Altar Biosphere Reserve. First journey is along waterless Gulf coast. On second journey Kino and Salvatierra climb today's Sierra Hornaday and clearly see that the head of the Gulf of California stops at the Colorado River Delta.
Click Explore Pinacate and Gran Desierto

Based on observations from the Third Colorado River Exploration, Kino draws his map "Passo por Tierra" showing land passage to California.
Click Cartography

3 Nov. 1701
Fourth Colorado River Exploration. Travels via Camino del Diablo and crosses Colorado River on a raft to present day state of California. Kino urges that peace be made among the waring Yuma, Quíquima, Cugane, Hogiopa (Cocopah) and Pima tribes. Kino organizes food relief from the Quíquimas to the needy Yumas whose crops had failed.
Click Explore Colorado River and Delta

11 Mar. 1702
Fifth Colorado River Exploration. Travels south of Colorado River delta into northern most Baja California. Sees sun rising over Gulf of California toward the mainland of Mexico - proof that California is not an island and that a land passage exists. Fellow explorer Father Manuel González dies on return trip.

1703 - 1711
In addition to his mission work in the Pimería Alta, Kino's other main task is to supply the restarted Jesuit missions in Baja California. Kino makes no further explorations to the Colorado River. Kino builds churches at missions in present day Sonora including Cocóspera and Remedios. Native people from present day Arizona especially from the village of Bac travel into Sonora to help Kino.
Click California Builder and Architect

Jan. 1704
Consecrates newly built churches at Cocóspera and Remedios.
Click Architect

2 Apr. 1704
Opens shorter cattle and supply trail to Guaymas to maintain Salvatierra's missions in Baja California. Meets with Father Picolo during Holy Week. Kino's new trail to Guaymas goes through today's Hermosillo rather than following Yaqui River to the coast. Guaymas replaces port of Yaqui as main supply base for Baja. 

Jan. to Mar. 1705
The lieutenant commander from Fronteras coerces 90 villagers to leave Dolores, angers Native leaders and spreads false rumor among Spanish officials about possible Pima rebellion. Kino prevents violent Spanish military reaction to rumors. The "indiscreet lieutenant" is later dismissed.
Friend and Protector

Oct 1705
As Salvatierra leaves Baja after inspection of its missions as Jesuit provincial of New Spain, Salvatierra writes Kino "the fathers over here, who recognize your Reverence as their benefactor and apostolic model in your indefatigable labors, salute your Reverence."
Click California Builder

Begins major church construction at missions at Magdalena, Tubutama, Sáric, Pitiquito and Caborca. Only two missionaries other than Kino remain in the Pimería Alta: Campos at San Ignacio and Minutuli at Tubutama.

21 Jan. 1706
Discovers Tiburon Island is not attached to mainland and other Gulf islands. Kino advocates for a shorter sea route to Baja California by the Gulf islands from today's Kino Bay. Restarts construction of boat in the desert near Caborca.
Click California Builder

22 Oct. 1706
Travels to Pinacate Peak along with a governmental officials who witness that Baja California is connected to the mainland and not an island. Kino's last exploration at age 62.
Click Explore Pinacate & Gran Desierto 

3 Dec. 1706
Former Kino trail companion Juan Mateo Manje, now General Manje, begins writing his history of Sonora and Arizona entitled "Light on the Unknown Lands of North America". Last chapter contains recommendations that are critical of Jesuit mission policies. Manje incorporates recommendations into a petition signed by other Spanish miners and ranchers that is widely distributed to religious and civil authorities asking that mission lands be reduced and the system of repartimiento (forced Native labor) be reintroduced.

21 Jan. 1708
Jesuit superiors complain to civil authorities about Manje's petition and Manje is arrested and jailed in Parral, Chihuahua until March 11, 1708.

27 Apr. 1708.
Manje rejailed but released after Jesuit intervention. 

Sep. 1709
Kino in letter states his supply of Salvatierra's missions in Baja is under a direct order by the Jesuit Father General.
Click California Builder
Completes writing last part of 11 year series of reports to the Spanish King containing Kino's history of his missionary activities and his recommendations for future programs. Collected series of reports are commonly referred to as "Favores Celestiales" (Heavenly Favors) or "Kino's Historical Memoirs." 
Click Historian and Memoir Preface and Resources

Draws his map "Nuevo Reyno". Map accurately shows rivers and villages in the present day states of Arizona, New Mexico, Baja California, Sonora, Chihuahua, Sinaloa and Durango. This map was discovered in archives in Paris archives in 1964.
Click Cartographer

15 Mar. 1711
Travels to present day Magdalena and collapses during the Mass of the Laetare Sunday (4th Sunday of Lent) while dedicating a chapel to his patron saint, Francis Xavier, and several hours later Kino dies peacefully near midnight at the age of 65. 
Click Kino Pilgrimage

Mar. 1711
Chief Coro dies in Apache attack on his home at Quíburi near present day ghost town of Fairbank.

Jesuits expelled from the New World and Franciscans take over missionary work in the Pimería Alta.
Click Jesuit Father

1700s - 1800s
Kino's maps or maps based on his cartography are extensively published in Europe including the publication of Kino's 1701 map "Paso por Tierra" by the English Royal Society in 1731.

Dr. Herbert E. Bolton translates Kino’s "Favores Celestiales". Dr. Bolton, head of the Bancroft Library, is the father of the study of Spanish Colonial history in the United States.
Click Historian and Memoirs Preface and Resources

Dr. Bolton's 640 paged Kino biography entitled "The Rim of Christendom "is published.
Click Resources

14 Feb. 1965
The State of Arizona's Kino statue unveiled at an international ceremony in the Hall of Heroes in United States Capitol Rotunda as the State of Arizona's heroic representative to the people of the United States.
Click US Statue Dedication and  Past Organizations

21 May 1966
Kino's skeletal remains found in Magdalena by a team of international researchers.
Click Grave Burial and Grave Chapel  and Grave Olvera Account

2 May 1971
Newly constructed town plaza and mausoleum in Magdalena dedicated by Mexico's President Luis Echeverría and the town is renamed Magdalena de Kino. Two century old annual fall pilgrimage to Magdalena continues in homage to Padre Kino and his patron saint, Francis Xavier.
Click Kino Pilgrimage

Artist Ettore "Ted" DeGrazia publishes "DeGrazia and Padre Kino" that contains DeGrazia's paintings and writings on Kino.
Click Video and Multimedia

26 Dec 1968
Horseback riders of Los Caminos de Kino begin first 4 day cabalgata from Mission Dolores site to summit of El Nazareno Peak near Gulf of California coast. The more than 25 year tradition of annual pilgrimages on horseback continue retracing Kino's trails.
Click Caminos de Kino

7 Feb. 1998
The Vatican, the government of the Roman Catholic Church, grants permission to open the investigation of the cause for Kino's sainthood.

25 May 1971
The Archdiocese of Hermosillo begins the local diocesan process for the cause for Kino's sainthood. First step is passed and Kino is named "Servant of God" by the Roman Catholic Church because his life exemplifies the practice of the Christian heroic virtues.
Click Sainthood Cause

Dedication in Tucson of first of three “Padre on Horseback” statues. Other two replicas later dedicated in Magdalena de Kino and Segno, Italy. Major Kino statutes previously dedicated are displayed in Washington, D.C., Trent, Tucson, Phoenix, Hermosillo, Nogales and Tijuana.
Click Monuments

4 May 2006
The Vatican accepts delivery of 130 pounds of documents for consideration of Kino's cause for sainthood.

Jan 2009
Kino Border Initiative established in Ambos Nogales, Arizona.
Click Kino Legacy

The Vatican approves the preparation of the "positio" - the petition for sainthood and supporting historical documents for consideration by the Congregation for the Causes of Saints. If the positio is approved by the Congregation's theologians and the Pope, Kino will pass the second step and be named "Venerable". Two miracles through Kino's intercession will then be required to be verified by the Vatican before Kino is named a saint by the Roman Catholic Church. 
Click Sainthood Cause and Caminos de Kino

10 Mar. 2010
The State of Sonora accepts a 4 volume Kino biography written by Professor Gabriel Gómez Padilla. The writing and publishing of the Kino biography is funded by the Mexican federal government in recognition of Kino's historic and cultural contributions to the nation of Mexico.

State of Sonora requires that all of its governmental documents must contain stamp "Year of Kino" in commemoration of the 300th anniversary of Kino's death. Extensive celebrations are held in United States, Mexico and Italy. Vatican issues postal stamp honoring Kino.
Click News

Date: June 30, 2019


Civil and Ecclesiastical Officials of New Spain

Kings of Spain
Charles II
1665 - 1700
Birth 1661 

Philip V
1700 - 1746 
Birth 1683

Viceroys of New Spain

Payo Enríquez de Rivera, O.S.A. 
Dec. 13, 1673 to Nov. 30, 1680 

Tomás de la Cerda, Marqués de la Laguna 
Nov. 30, 1680 to Nov. 30, 1686 

Melchor Portocarrero Laso de la Vega, Conde de Monclova 
Nov. 30, 1686 to Nov. 20, 1688

Gaspar de Sandoval Silva y Mendoza, Conde de Galve 
Nov. 20, 1688 to Feb. 27, 1696 

Juan de Ortega y Montañez 
Feb. 27, 1696 to Dec. 18, 1696 
First Term 

José Sarmiento Valladares, Conde de Moctezuma 
Dec. 18, 1696 to Nov. 4, 1701 

Juan de Ortega y Montañez 
Nov. 4, 1701 to Nov. 27,1702 
Second Term

Francisco Fernández de la Cueva, Duque de Alburquerque 
Nov. 27, 1702 to Jan. I 5, 1711 

Fernando de Alencastre Noroña y Silva, Duque de Linares 
Jan. 15, 1711 to Aug. 15, 1716 

Baltasar de Zúñiga y Guzmán, Marqués de Valero 
Aug. 15, 1716 to Oct. 15, 1722 

Father Generals of the Society of Jesus 

Gian Paolo Oliva
July 31, 1664 to Nov. 26, 1681 
Birth 1600 

Charles de Noyelle (born in 1615 ) 
July 5, 1682 to Dec. 12, 1686 
Birth 1615 

Tirso González (born in 1624) 
July 6, 1687 to Oct. 27,1705 
Birth 1624 

Michaelangelo Tamburini
Jan. 31, 1706 to Feb. 28, 1730 
Birth 1648 


Jesuit Provincials of New Spain

Francisco Jiménez
Aug. 22, 1674 to Feb. 28, 1675 

Vigilio Máez
Feb. 28, 1675 to July 20, 1676 

Tomas Altamirano
July 20, 1676 to Jan. 31, 1680 

Antonio Núñez de Miranda 
Feb. 2, 1680 to Sept. 20, 1680 

Bernardo Pardo
Sept. 20, 1680 to Sept. 11, 1683 

Luis del Canto
Sept. 11, 1683 to late 1686 

Bernabé de Soto
late 1686 to Oct. 23, 1689 

Ambrosio Odón
Oct. 23, 1689 to Jan. 8, 1693 
First Term 

Diego de Almonacir
Jan. 8, 1693 to Jan. 8, 1696 

Juan de Palacios
Jan. 8,1696 to Jan. 8,1699 

Francisco de Arteaga
Jan. 8, 1699 to Jan. 8, 1702 

Ambrosio Odón 
Jan. 8, 1702 to sometime in 1703 
Second Term 

Manuel Piñeiro
Sometime in 1703 to Oct. 21, 1704 

Juan María de Salvatierra
Oct. 21, 1704 to Sept. 17, 1706 

Bernardo Rolandegui
Sept. 17, 1706 to Nov. 3, 1707 

Juan de Estrada
Nov. 4,1707 to April of 1708 

Antonio Jardón
 April of 1708 to April of 1711 

Alonso de Arrivillaga
April of 1711 to Oct. 14, 1715 

Ignacio Loyola
Oct. 14, 1715 to Nov. 21, 1715 

Gaspar Rodero
Nov. 21, 1715 to Jan. 7, 1719