Kino Life Chapter Maps and Summary

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Artist Miguel Grijalva
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Kino's Life Chapters in A B C D and E

A - Arrival  B - Basis  C - Crisis  D - Dusty Trails  E - Expansion

Life Chapters A & B Map
Arrival & Basis 
Life Chapter C Map
Life Chapters D & E Map
Dusty Trails & Expansion 

Preliminaries - Europe

1645   Born near Trent in Alps - only son of 4 children.

1668   Death bed vow to St. Francis Xavier and university education in Bavaria.

1678   Spain 3 years - priest, teacher & correspondence with Duchess, patron of missions.

A..  Arrival              5 years         1681 - 1686            Age 36

1681   Arrival Mexico City; writes astronomical treatise on 1680 Comet.

1685   Baja California 3 years - "colonization" effort ends after drought, disease and
           near starvation. Kino made 5 voyages of exploration in the Gulf of California &
           Pacific Ocean and was among first Europeans to travel across the Baja.
           Kino starts 12 years of advocacy for "mission" return to Baja.

 B.  Basis                8 years         1687 - 1695            Age 42

1687   Petition to end to slavery (Native labor impressment).

1687   Arrival Pimería Alta; establishes mission headquarters at Dolores and
           missions at other villages in Northern Sonora.

1691   First trips to Tumacácori (1691) and San Xavier (1692) after invitation
           Sonoran Gulf Coast exploration; starts building boat to supply Baja return.

C.  Crisis                1 year           1695 - 1696            Age 50

1695   Father Saeta martyred in Caborca on Holy Saturday.

          Peace made after 5 months of violence; Kino's 3 missions not attacked.

          "Saeta Biography" written; basis for modern missiology.

          Kino's 40 day/1,200 ride to Mexico City to save missions from closing.

          Also in Mexico City plans for Jesuits return to Baja financed by Pious Fund of
           the Californias and governed by Jesuits - no civilian or military rule.

          Jesuit Father General intervention for Kino: "a chosen instrument of Our Lord
           for His cause in these missions."

 D.  Dusty Trails      8 years         1696 - 1704            Age 51

          Extensive journeys throughout Southern Arizona including 4 to Colorado River.

          Mission, visitas and ranches in Arizona established for future missionaries.

          Kino builds large churches: Dolores, Remedios and Cocóspera.

1697  Missionaries return to Baja and Kino's ranches supply food.

1701  Discovers land route to Baja near Yuma and draws famous map 1701 showing
           California is not an island; supply of Baja missions continues by ship.

 E  Expansion           6 years         1705 - 1711            Age 52

         Must provide critical support to restarted Jesuits missions in Baja;
         not permitted to do further explorations beyond today's U.S. - Mexico border;
           Kino's missions provide aid for missions & church building in Sonora & Baja.

          Opens new  trail to Guaymas - new seaport to ship cattle and grain to Baja

          Last major explorations to Pinacates (1706) & exploration of Gulf of California
          coast in Sonora;

          Completes "Favores Celestiales:" historical account and Kino's
           recommendations for future expansion and global vision.

          O'odham in Arizona continue to travel to Kino's missions in Sonora to help Kino
           and receive his ministry.

1711   Dies in Magdalena at age 65 - collapses as dedicating chapel to his patron
           saint Francis Xavier.

 Aftermath - Legacy

1754   Kino's writings used by Mexico Provincial as basis for 2nd wave of Jesuit
            missionaries from Central Europe.

1919   Father of study of Spanish Colonial history Dr. Herbert Bolton, translates
           Kino's "Favores Celestiales. "

1965   State of Arizona's Kino statue dedicated to U.S. Hall of Heroes statute

1966   Grave discovered by Mexico- U.S. team -  50th anniversary in May 2016.

2008   Servant of God - sainthood petition and documents submitted to Vatican

2009   Kino Border Initiative started  -  promote safe and peaceful borderlands.

2011   300th Anniversary of Kino's death with commemorations and celebrations.