Kino Biography
Kino Biography Section Page

Padre Kino and The Trail to the Pacific
Author Jacqueline Steffan
See Best Book Page



"El camino del Padre Kino hacia el Pacífico" por Jacqueline Steffan
Vea El Mejor Libro Page




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Editor Note: The purpose of the Kino Biography Section Page is to set out generalize information about the best and most accessible biographies about Kino's life and to be a webpage from where the pages of those biographies can be accessed from. See subpage links in the left column for Biography Section Page Links, Kino Life Section Page and Resources Section Page Links. Some of the biographies are written in Spanish, Italian and English.

Best Kino Book
English and Spanish
Padre Kino and the Trail to the Pacific

El camino del Padre Kino hacia de Pacífico

Jack (Jacqueline) Steffan

Author Jacqueline Steffan tells the story about Padre Kino and his times with episodic chapters that make Kino come alive on the pages. The dialogue of the historical characters may be created by the author but the surrounding events occurred. The book is 99% historically accurate and a delight to read. 

The original copy of the book will be available at a late date. To view online the English edition with additional material and then download, click
Padre Kino and the Trail to the Pacific Additional Material

To download the English edition in text format, click
Padre Kino On The Trail (text)

To view online the Spanish edition and then download, click
El camino del Padre Kino

Click, to go to
Best Biography Page

Best Kino Biography
"Eusebio Kino, S.J."
"Not Counting the Cost"
John J. Martinez

This account is written in a simple journalistic style makes Kino's story available to most reading age groups. Its author is Father John J. Martinez who was editor of the Jesuit magazine "America." It only 26 pages in the downloadable files below. It is the best short biography of Kino and includes history in a global context along with anthropological insights into the many cultures of Spanish colonial New Spain.

To view online and then download, click
Best Kino Biography (pdf) view online
To download, click Best Kino Biography (text)

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Best Biography Page

El romance del Padre Kino
Cruz Gálvez Acuña
en español


The book is a classic study of Kino with its reflections on his life as missionary in the northern borderlands of Spanish Colonial New Spain. Published by Secretaría de Fomento Educativo y Cultura, Gobierno del Estado de Sonora in 1970.

To view online and download the book, click
El romance del Padre Kino (pdf)
To view on line and download the table of contents of the book, click

El romance del Padre Kino Table of Contents (pdf)

Francisco Eusebio Kino - El Padre de Sonora"
Manuel de Jesús Sortillón Valenzuela
Excellent Route Maps and Biographical Summary in Spanish

In Spanish
"Francisco Eusebio Kino - El Padre de Sonora"
Manuel de Jesús Sortillón Valenzuela
Website, 2004

Excellent route maps Text based on Herbert E. Bolton's "Rim of Christendom" and Kino's writings with location photographs and beautiful art illustrations.
All 16 chapter links work. The Prólogo and Epílogo links do not work.

1. El Joven Eusebio; 2. Un Viaje Demasiado Largo; 3. California, una Ilusión Inesperada; 4. Una Misión Imposible; 5. El Adiós a San Bruno; 6. Una Bahía para Kino; 7. Sonora Querida; 8. Buscando Almas; en la Pimería; 9. La Pimería en Revolución; 10. Un Perdón Enmedio de un Castigo; 11. Kino Cabalga de Nuevo; 12. Mas Viajes y Kino Descubre “El Pinacate”; 13. Juan y Eusebio Juntos de Nuevo; 14. La Aventura de las Conchas Azules; 15. Kino Pasa por Pitic; 16. Adiós Eusebio; Prólogo (not linked); Epílogo (not linked)

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Sortillion Webpage